CNC Sheet Bending Machine

Black Rock Evolution offers precise CNC Sheet Bending services, utilizing cutting-edge technology to cater to a variety of industries. CNC bending is a crucial process for creating accurate and complex bends in metal sheets, ensuring structural integrity and precise fits.

Industries We Serve

Industrial Manufacturing


Furniture Manufacturing


Where CNC Sheet Bending Machine is Used

Industrial Manufacturing

CNC sheet bending is essential in industrial settings, where precise sheet metal components are needed for machinery, equipment, and structural elements.


In construction projects, CNC-bent sheets are used for architectural elements, facades, and structural supports, ensuring precise and custom-fit solutions

Custom Fabrication

For unique and specialized projects, CNC bending offers the flexibility to create custom shapes and designs, whether it's for furniture, fixtures, or industrial components.

Material & Size We Cater

Mild Steel (MS) Sheet

Sizes ranging from 0mm to 4mm thickness.

Stainless Steel Sheet

Sizes ranging from 0mm to 4mm thickness.

Benefits of CNC Sheet Bending Machine

Precision Bending

CNC sheet bending ensures accurate and consistent bends, meeting tight tolerances and specifications.


With CNC technology, we can create custom bends and shapes to match the unique requirements of each project.


CNC bending processes are efficient and repeatable, resulting in reduced lead times and increased productivity.

Whether you require precise sheet metal components for industrial machinery, custom architectural elements for construction projects, or custom bends for furniture and automotive applications, our CNC Sheet Bending services deliver exceptional results every time.

Contact Black Rock Evolution today to discuss how our CNC Sheet Bending services can meet your project needs.